Sunday, August 7, 2011

Glory! It Will Be Cool Today!

Hello most humans and many others,

Don't get excited! It's not going to be cool outside here in central Oklahoma- - -just inside our house! We have been without the downstairs air conditioner since sometime Tuesday. It's not that Missy Linda hasn't tried to get it fixed, it was just one of those things (says she)! Let me tell you, I have been worried about my personal safety in this horrific heat! High temperatures do not agree with my body elements.

Missy Linda (bless her heart) called our usual air conditioner dude on Wednesday morning. She called him because he usually comes within a couple of hours, and she has had no complaints with his work. She does worry about his working out in the extreme heat because he must weigh at least 350 pounds! Needless to say, he huffs and he puffs, and he sweats about a gallon of water per 5 minutes. One thing she does not like about him, though, is that when he is finished working, he walks straight past her to the kitchen table and collapses into a chair. He proceeds to expound on all sorts of topics, including, but not limited to, politics, what light bulbs to buy, how to kill an invasive tree, and how he never has dry clothes at any time when he is in Florida!

I believe that we have a new favorite air conditioner repair company now because former favorite never came this week even though he assured Missy Linda he would be here. He stopped returning calls, so, finally, Missy Linda decided he must have had a massive heart attack and died. "Not really his fault," she said, but she proceeded to call the new company. They charged the same amount as hefty guy had charged for the same problem, and they came on Sunday morning. There was no advice given except pertaining to the air conditioning system, and we were not concerned that we might have to call an ambulance or administer CPR!

We can return to our "normal" lives now! Oh, great!

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