Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An Oxford Comma

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I have to tell you that I am getting some pretty good free entertainment around here right now. It's a good thing because you know that I don't get any other joy, especially if it is not free and not in this house!

Missy Linda likes to fancy herself a grammarian, as you may know. It is just one of those things that she has latched onto because her life has no other purpose, I think. I will admit that she is an English major, but that doesn't necessarily make her an expert.

Have you all heard of the band, Vampire Weekend? Well, they can't actually sing very well, but they have a song that Missy Linda likes and plays a lot. One of the first lines is, "Who gives a #%@* about an Oxford comma?" Well, I can tell you that Missy Linda does! Sometimes she yells that above the music! Also, there's something about changing the spelling of words. You should see the fire in her eyes! I can heardly breathe, I'm laughing so hard!

Right now there are these commercials playing about Hondas that almost send her over the edge. The company's new phrase for selling the Civic is, "To Each Their Own." I do worry a little about her having a stroke she gets so upset. Then, to top it off, Tio Kane told her that there is some kind of movement to make "their" correct for singular or plural use. Oh, my gosh, you should have been here! She was too funny to even describe!

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