Saturday, May 28, 2011

Impromptu Party

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, last evening Missy Ryley had an impromptu family birthday party at a park in Edmond. When she was playing at a park recently, she saw some people cooking out on the built-in charcoal grills there. She thought that looked like grand fun. It sounds like grand fun to me, and I am older than six! Sadly, I was left home alone except for Mr. Mushu because even Mr. Nelson got to go.

Mr. Nelson must have had a fabulous time because he went straight to bed when they got home. Tio Kane just kept telling him what a good boy he had been at the park. I do know that Mr. Nelson had Cheetos and a hot dog- - -some of his favorite things. I also know that Missy Ryley and Missy Emma love to walk with Mr. Nelson. I am totally certain that they all had a fabulous time- - -without me!

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