Saturday, May 28, 2011

Impromptu Party

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, last evening Missy Ryley had an impromptu family birthday party at a park in Edmond. When she was playing at a park recently, she saw some people cooking out on the built-in charcoal grills there. She thought that looked like grand fun. It sounds like grand fun to me, and I am older than six! Sadly, I was left home alone except for Mr. Mushu because even Mr. Nelson got to go.

Mr. Nelson must have had a fabulous time because he went straight to bed when they got home. Tio Kane just kept telling him what a good boy he had been at the park. I do know that Mr. Nelson had Cheetos and a hot dog- - -some of his favorite things. I also know that Missy Ryley and Missy Emma love to walk with Mr. Nelson. I am totally certain that they all had a fabulous time- - -without me!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi there most humans and many others,

Poor Mr. Nelson! He is totally exhausted from the storms! He is already taking his morning nap after being kept up by the thunder. He is a total wreck. Poor baby. Last week when the storms were still around the next morning, he was very disappointed. Tio Kane said Mr. Nelson had slept on his bed all night.

Missy Linda was saying that at least we got some rain. I kind of wonder if rain is worth it if your house is gone the next morning from the tornadoes! Maybe that's just me.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Critters are Active

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Mr. Nelson has been trying to tell us that things are going on in the yard at night. It's not that we don't believe him; it's just that he just cannot keep his voice down when he is excited. Missy Linda made this rule about being quiet outside after 10:00 pm. She wants to be a good neighbor, she says. I sometimes wonder if her rules are because of neighborly courtesy. I personally feel that it is so that she can watch The Daily Show in peace.

Anyway, yesterday morning, the bird feeder was on the ground, and the chain that normally holds it was broken. Missy Linda thinks that it must be the giant raccoons again. We haven't actually seen them, but they are the only critters that we know for sure live around here that can break the chains on things. Mr. Nelson thinks that if she would just allow him outside, he could take care of any interlopers- - -except the little terrier next door who steals his toys!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Checking His Tree Mail

Hello most humans and many others,

Mr. Nelson has discovered that there are occasionally squirrels who visit the trees in the front yard, not to mention other kinds of animals who could be lurking about! They don't actually live there, but Mr. Nelson feels they should not be just climbing trees and hanging around in just anyone's yard. He has a strong sense of boundaries---mostly for other entities, not so much for himself.

He has become so annoying about the trees in the front yard that he drives everyone crazy until someone lets him go out to check his tree mail in the front yard several times a day. He is not allowed to just go out there to run around like a crazy dog as that's against the law, and Missy Linda says she can't afford to bail him out of dog jail. (I know she would find a way to do it, if it came to that, though). He has to have someone watching him from the door or go outside with him.

It's hard for the humans to stay annoyed at Mr. Nelson. After all, how many times a day do they have to check their emails?