Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello most humans and many others,

Well, here we go again. In case you all don't understand the title of my blog today, Missy Linda told me about a show that was on TV many years ago called "That Was The Week That Was." They called it "TW3" to shorten it. It was a comedic look at the events in the news the past week. Anyway, it's not comedic to me, but I guess this is a look at the last several days around here.

As I mentioned, we were preparing to head over to Fayetteville, AR, to visit Missy Elise and her family and have Christmas. Well, Missy Linda and Missy Elise talked incessantly about the weather as there was a sort of small stormy incident on Wednesday night here and Thursday morning there. It was deemed by Missy Linda that the storm was not a travel problem.

However, Missy Linda got up sick on Thursday morning. She had a fever, sort throat and the usual wintry mix of symptoms. She is all right now, but she even stayed home from work yesterday. She will be there at the crack of noon today, though. She was super disappointed to miss the trip and moped around with exceeding annoyance the last few days- - -that would be annoyance to me!

As the topper to my glamorous non-vacation view of tissues, Mucinex, ibuprofen, coughing, sneezing and general malaise, yesterday, Mr. Nelson experienced (and is still experiencing) some gastro-intestinal upset. Have you ever smelled dog gas? Let me tell you! It nearly knocks me off my perch! Missy Linda says he is better this morning, but I will have to not smell it to believe it!

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