Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lucky Underwear Effective

Greetings moldy people and moldy others,

I was hoping that this would not happen, but it seems that Missy Linda has decided that lucky underwear helped her to get better grades this semester. She has finally received her grades, and they are better than she expected. She had such drama going on during finals week, she said, that she did not expect to do well on her tests. (One of her usual excuses.) Anyway, on the day of her final in the class with the professor on whom she swore out a fatwa, she wore her lucky underwear in lieu of excessive studying. And, God help me (I use whatever help I can get---God, Allah, Ganesh, Shiva, whoever), she evidently did well on the test because she got a B in the class. She was thinking that she would get a C for sure. We heard more screaming around here about this professor than any I have heard about in a while.

Well, I suppose you are thinking, "So what? What is wrong with lucky underwear?" Obviously, you do not know Missy Linda. She can get slightly obsessive about things on occasion. The thing I am hoping for the most in this situation is that washing the lucky underwear won't render them ineffective (in her mind)! I mean, you can see the problems this could initiate, can't you?

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