Monday, February 23, 2009

At Least Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday

Hello humans,

Well, did you all have a good Oscar night? I didn't, and you can guess why. I did not get a new dress. I did not get to have a party. I did not get invited to someone else's party. I did not get to drink yummy cocktails. I did not get to see any cute Tortilla Keeper guys, or any other guys, for that matter. I think that about sums up my evening!

I heard that tomorrow is Fat Tuesday. Maybe we will do something for that. We don't have to be Catholics to participate in the revelry before Lent, do we? I'm fairly new around here, but I think someone has a pretty slick scam going with this Fat Tuesday deal, don't you? It's like you go out to look for fun sins to commit, and you plan to do it ahead of time. I don't know if giving up something for Lent can make up for all the stuff I would be interested in doing. How about you?

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