Monday, January 19, 2009

My Birthday!

Hello humans,

Guess what! I have decided that February 1 should be my birthday! That is the day that I first started this blog. I figure that is kind of the day that I really came to life as you all feel it exists, so that is the date that will be my birthday. What do you think about that, huh?

If any of you guys run into Missy Linda, tell her what is going on so that she will get on the ball and get things ready for my big day, ok? She may not get around to reading my blog. So, just in case, you guys be sure that she is aware that February 1 is my birthday celebration.

Yesterday was Tio Kane's birthday, and January 26 is Missy Elise's birthday, so it's not like she won't be in the birthday mode, right? When he lived here, that Mister celebrated his birthday on January 8, but, thank goodness, we don't have to do that anymore. Missy Linda is glad of that for sure. She was telling me that she met a guy at the grocery store the other day who said things that reminded her of that Mister. She was so glad that she didn't have to deal with that any more! She would rather have to go to school and work at the same time than have to deal with him! Well, I guess she got her "druthers," huh?

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