Here I am imagining myself at the "water cube" and the "bird's nest," which are a couple of the main venues for the Olympics. I think that those are great names for them, don't you? I think they look super cool when they are all lit up. I would love to see them in person.
I think that I may be a little like Missy Linda, though. She has a fear of being someplace where they don't understand her, and she doesn't understand them. That cuts down the list of places to go right at the beginning. With something going on as huge as the Olympics, I suppose there would be much less danger of not being understood.
You should hear Missy Linda whine about having to take two semesters of a language to graduate from college! She is really worried about that. I tell her to get a little closer to graduation before she worries too much. Maybe she won't even get that close to finishing. She has only forty-six hours under her belt so far. One doesn't make very rapid progress going part-time. So far she keeps plugging along, though.
Well, I have got to run and get to watching some more of the games, don't you?
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