Saturday, June 28, 2014

Drinking Coffee

Hello most humans and many others,

After Missy Linda had slurped her coffee down to a level where her cup could be carried without spilling it, she was telling me about how her Grandpa L drank his coffee. Grandpa always had his coffee in a cup with a saucer. Since it was hot, he would pour coffee from the cup into the saucer and drink it from there. Do you know anyone who drank or drinks coffee that way?

It may have been the custom for the time, or perhaps Grandpa was just too impatient to cool his coffee in the cup. He was known for becoming quickly agitated about even small things. Missy Linda's brothers say they have seen him hit mules across the nose with a board to get them to do something. Missy Linda says that's like having a mule trying to control other mules!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Hello most humans and many others,

If you are wondering where I have been, I am, too. That may seem strange, but, remember, I have spent a good deal of my life head down in shopping bags. I think I was in a corner in Missy Linda's bedroom. She was moving a bunch of stuff around and putting things in boxes to take to Goodwill. I think she just lost track of me or something - - - or maybe she knew I fell down behind some stuff, and she didn't care. I think that's more likely.

Anyway, now I am safe and up on the dresser, at least. Now, I just need to get back into the dining area or someplace in the middle of the action. Ha, ha. I can't help but laugh at my joke. I should be able to talk to you better now that I am rescued from I don't actually know where for sure. TTYL.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda says that she is getting tired of fighting to see her Facebook feed. She says that she is tired of the site switching to another page that she doesn't want to see, and then it's nearly impossible to get to what she wants to read. She is really in a snit today.

Do you all have these problems? Missy Linda has friends from school that she keeps up with through Facebook, but she has one friend who writes pages about himself every day (no one you guys would know.) He makes it hard to find the people's posts she wants to read. Can you say unfriend?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oh, No. Here We Go.

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda is complaining about her knee and foot this morning - - - as she does most mornings. Evidently, morning is the worst time for stiffness and pain except for walking a long way. Anyway, she has realized she might have to lose some (a lot of) weight to help her joints. Her doctor mentioned that would help.

She has actually gained a couple of pounds because she feels hungry all the time with some new medicine she's taking. She will have to get hold of herself if she really does want to lose some weight. Getting hold of herself is not something she does well.

We all know there's going to be lots of whining and excuses, don't we?

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Good morning most humans and many others,

As you may know Missy Linda went to Colorado a couple of weeks ago to visit Missy Elise and her family. Missy Elise and her three girls and Mr. Brett always do lots of activities, even when they don't have visitors.

This time when Missy Linda was there they went to Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Old Town, a big picnic with the church, and a dinner out for Missy Linda's birthday. They rode the new Max bus for that. The girls loved it. That's not many things for that family to do, but Missy Linda's broken foot is still not well. She doesn't wear that boot or anything, but it still is swollen and painful, she says. Well, I guess she can't fake the swelling, so it really is not well, but I don't care to hear about it.

Missy Linda had a great time with everyone. Lots of people remembered her from when she was there before, and it's been a year and a half.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Missy Emma's Big Weekend

Hi there most humans and many others,

I heard Mr. Nick telling Missy Linda about Missy Emma's big weekend. It seems Missy Ryley's softball team had a tournament to play, but they were short a girl or two. Mr. Nick couldn't find anyone to fill the gaps, but he had an idea. He asked Missy Emma if she wanted to play on Missy Ryley's team. She was thrilled.

Some of the parents said, "We're having a T-baller on our machine pitch team? We don't know about that."

Well, it turns out that Missy Emma struck out only once, and she got the first hit of the day to get on base. She had several good hits, and she shut those other parents right down.

Congratulations, Missy Emma!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

She Took Computer

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, Missy Linda is back from her trip to Fort Collins, CO. She couldn't find room to take me, but she was able to take the computer so I couldn't talk to you guys. She says that I would have gotten squashed in her giant suitcase. I don't understand why I couldn't have a ticket and a seat on the plane. Doesn't that make sense to you? It seems right to me.

Evidently, Missy Linda did a bunch of stuff that I am getting tired of hearing about. She says her foot still hurts some from when she broke it, and it does swell every day. That means she didn't get to go on any hikes in the mountains like they did before even though they did go to the national park and had a picnic. Missy Linda almost got too close to a lady elk, but the elk left soon after that.

I'm sure I'll have lots of junk to tell you about HER trip the next few days, so stay tuned.