Sunday, November 27, 2011

Regular Sunday

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda and I are glad that it seems like a regular Sunday today and not still a holiday weekend. It's easier to get things done, she says, if it is a regular day. She is trying to get the last chapter written that she has to write for class for this semester. She will have more assignments, but the writing of a whole chapter for a workshop class is the hardest thing she has to do, she says. Well, I for one, have my doubts that it will change anything for me. I think that she will find a reason to hog the computer, as usual.

Missy Linda has one of those little $200 notebook computers that she uses most of the time these days. It is easier on the back, she says, because she can sit anywhere. Anyway, that is the computer that I use also. Anyway, this morning when I opened it, the key "2,@" was not there. As you can see, the little nub that remains will produce the desired number and symbol, but the key is missing. Missy Linda swears it was there when she closed it last night around 11:00 pm. Tio Kane or Mr. Nelson had better have some kind of a good explanation. That's all I have to say. This is just too weird for me.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Gun Show?

Hello most humans and many others,

Missy Linda told Tio Kane that there is a huge gun show and sale out at the fairgrounds this weekend. I don't know if she was teasing or not about whether they should go out there. Oh, my goodness! I hope that she is just trying to torture Tio Kane because I can't think of many things worse than if Missy Linda were to have a gun. Just imagine if she had ammunition! I know she likes to joke, but she can also be very impulsive.

We can be thankful this week if she is just kidding about the gun show, right? You can use that for your list of what to be thankful for if you need some more additions. Sometimes it is the little things!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Down to Earth

Hello most humans and many others,

It is the time of year to be thankful. Missy Linda and Tio Kane are kind of quiet today, and I hope that they are thinking of some of the things that they have to appreciate. They are somewhat sad right now, too. Yesterday afternoon one of Tio Kane's friends died. Missy Linda didn't know him, but it was such a shocking thing, she is sad that a young seemingly healthy guy had something like this happen.

After having a severe backache for awhile, which he was going to various doctors about, he was diagnosed last Friday with stage four cancer in his spine and other places. He had at least one MRI, and he had been sent to several different doctors, but no one caught it. That's one of the main reasons Missy Linda feels sad. He was doing what he should have been doing by trying to discover what the problem was. It was so advanced by last Friday, it's unbelievable that they couldn't find it
earlier. He died on Tuesday. That is just horrifying and sad.

Just be thankful for every minute you have, even if you aren't having the greatest time. You still have a chance to change things. Don't let petty things keep you from enjoying the company of family and friends. Try to find something to be thankful for every day, even if it's just something tiny like a great piece of pie or cake. Maybe your coffee was extra good this morning or the leaves covering your yard, that you will have to rake up later, are extra colorful. Find something to enjoy!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hello most humans and many others,

Finally. It's the usual story about Missy Linda hogging the computer to do homework, and it's just now my turn. She thinks she can just use the appliances in this house to the exclusion of anyone else. Oh, well. I suppose that is true. However, just because she has a chapter of a book due for some class, no one else's problems matter to her. Oops. I suppose that is true, too. I just don't think that's right. Just because I don't have a job (or legs), I get pushed aside. I thought this was America!

By the way, if you need to find our house on Google Earth or in person, just look for the yard that is covered in leaves! It seems that so many neighbors have had to cut down the trees in their yards the last couple of years (high winds, lightening, etc.)that there are hardly any front yard trees on the street any more. At our house are two large maple trees that were pretty small when Missy Linda moved here. We seem to be the only one with a yard totally covered in leaves. The sidewalk is hard to see because of the leaf coverage. Missy Linda says at least the high winds should blow them into neighbors' yards, but that doesn't seem to be how it works. I hope she has lots of lawn and leaf bags ready to go!

By the way, tonight is the last Mind Games show of the semester. I can't tell you the outcome, but I will tell you that Tio Kane embarrasses himself. He does exactly what he counsels the other members of the team to not do. Anyway, it is on at 8:00 pm on station KSBI 52 (channel 7 on Cox.)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Don't Do This

Hello most humans and many others,

I just have to tell you all that I am still puzzled about Missy Linda and where she fits onto your human scale or whatever you all use to categorize people. Sometimes she does things that are so weird that I can't help but think that she should have someone to watch over her to make certain that she doesn't hurt herself. The things that cause me worry are not big incidents, but instead are small things that add up.

On her left hand's middle finger, the one that is crooked from falling at work and jamming it into a counter, there is a cut from the second knuckle to the first knuckle. It was caused by a sewing machine needle because she holds things too tightly when she sews and lets her hand get right next to the needle instead of relaxing her hand like she should. It also makes hers hands look like she has claws while she is doing it. So, okay, that's not bad for an accident, especially for this family. It's just that I've always heard that "it" always starts with small things.She can't afford to turn into someone like Mr. Nick, her son who nearly lived at various emergency rooms.

The stupidest thing she has done in the last couple of days, so far, is to try to grab something out of the clothes dryer while it was still running. Of course, the dryer should turn itself off when the door is opened, but the switch got stuck somehow, she said. She was hollering and yelling, but sadly that seldom helps a situation. Anyway, evidentally, when one sticks her arm into a running clothes dryer, it sort of grabs the arm and twists it. She was able to yank her arm out without any real damage, except for a bruise and sore place above her elbow, but I believe that she is just a bad accident waiting to happen!

Keep your eyes on the evening news shows to see what she does next because it is liable to be hilarious to everyone but her!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sad but Thankful

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, we are pretty sad here at Missy Linda's house. We got news that Mr. Brett, Missy Elise, Missy Maitlyn, Missy Elspeth, and Missy Amelia will not be able to come to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. Since last summer all of us had thought that they would be able to come and visit for a week or so around this time. They are not going to be able to make it. They will have to stay in Colorado.

We are trying to look for a bright side, though, so we are thinking of why we are thankful.
Here goes:

The whole family will not be killed at once in a thunderstorm/earthquake/flash flood.

There will be more pumpkin pie for Missy Linda.

Missy Linda won't have to clean the house.

Missy Linda won't have any excuse for not having her homework done.

Well, at least we're trying.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Alternate Universe?

Hello most humans and many others,

I heard Missy Linda and Tio Kane talk about how they think we must be in an alternate or, maybe, a parallel universe. They say we can't possibly be in our usual world. I'm not sure, but that sounds a little scary to me.

Missy Linda and Tio Kane talk about evidence that proves we are in a different world. First of all, there is the fact that OSU is ranked number 2 in the BCS poll. Then, there was last evening here in Oklahoma- - -first, there were tornadoes, big ones- - -then in the middle of huge thunderstorms with high winds, there was an earthquake. Now, there were huge thunder claps that shook the house around that time, but the earthquake's shaking comes from the bottom up, so it feels totally different. Missy Linda thinks its a weird sign when the meteorologists are laughing at the absurdity of it all- - -or maybe they know something we don't. Today, it is supposed to snow in western Oklahoma.

Help! Someone come get me who can take me to a normal world!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mr. Nelson Isn't Laughing

Hello most humans and many others,

Poor Mr. Nelson. I think he is having a day of confusion. First, there was the earthquake last night. Of course, we have them near here all the time, but last night's was the biggest ever, and we felt it very clearly. That made him a little restless (as if he isn't always on guard.)

Then, this morning, no one is doing anything on time! When Missy Linda got up this morning, Tio Kane had been forced to get up already by Mr. Nelson so that Mr. Nelson could go outside, then inside, then outside...

I have heard Missy Linda yelling about the time changes twice a year, every year. She usually says something like, "Just pick a time and stick with it! It doesn't matter what time. Just don't change it!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hope as a Freeze

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, there is hopeful anticipation in the air here today. Missy Linda and Tio Kane are optimistic that the hard freeze of this morning will help eliminate some of those pesky allergens that drive them crazy this time of year. They are experienced enough to know that they will still have stuff that bothers them as there is always something, but they count it as a plus just to be able to cut back on the allergy medicine.

I am glad for the freeze because at least Missy Linda's eyes will not be all runny and maybe, not quite as puffy as they have been lately. The fall and spring allergies cause more bodily fluids to be dripping than just their usual reactions to molds and perfume and air and water.

My heart's desire is that if the weeds get killed, they won't have any excuse to stay home and inside and will be able to take me places. Also, I hope that they can cut back on the antihistamines that keep them sleepy and lethargic so we can have some fun. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Many Have There Been?

Hello most humans and many others,

Can any of you out there guess how many times I have written to you? Can you believe that this is the 601st time? I am having trouble wrapping my mind around that! I should have been paying more attention. I believe that I missed some opportunities for celebratory parties and new dresses. I am going to have to pay a lot more attention because it is obvious that Missy Linda is not going to help me when it comes to throwing parties and congratulating me. I think she may be a little jealous.

Well, I have to let her have the computer now as she has homework to do (She always says that.) I personally think that she uses that as an excuse to surf the net. If she did that much homework, she would surely be finished with school by now with a four point average. I think that she is jerking me around!