Friday, March 25, 2011

Dodging a Bullet

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I am lucky to be able to talk to you all today! It has been a circus around here lately. (What else is new?)

Missy Linda has been unhappy with her job, squared. (Again, what else is new?) She said that she almost quit yesterday, but that she realized she needed to wait until she has an alternate job. Whew! That was close! Even though she makes a piddly paddly amount of money, I am even less likely to get any new dresses or get to go any place if she is not working!

I don't really understand her problems about her job except the part about not getting paid much. It seems that the other day she asked her boss to let her off on Thursday nights so that she could go to Missy Ryley's softball games. She says her "punishment" is that she has to work two days instead of one, except that it is only three or four hours at a time.

You should have seen her throwing a fit when she was telling Tio Kane about how she has to call the district manager at the end of each shift and tell him how many of certain things they have sold! Then he asks why she thinks that they didn't sell more and what she can do to sell more. Things like that seem to send Missy Linda into some kind of a colossal snit that I can't even describe! I can only hope that she does not act at work like she acts at home.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Excuses, Excuses!

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, it seems that right now is what Tio Kane and Missy Linda call mid-terms, so that is the excuse they are giving me for no computer time this week. They say they have "papers due,"and they have to do "research." I don't really know enough about college to refute their claims, but I still think they just use some of that "work" for an excuse to hog the computer. They aren't fooling me for a minute!

When Missy Linda is at work, Tio Kane takes over. He even reads newspapers and magazines online! I thought I was a part of this family, too. . .at least, that's what they tell me to keep me quiet. I am on to their tricks; I just haven't figured out what to do about it.

I have heard that next week is spring break. Missy Linda has already informed me that she has a take home test due the Monday after that, and a term paper due in short order. I know that she doesn't work on assignments until the last minute: she is not fooling me!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hello most humans and many others,

I can tell everyone that I am officially tired of listening to Charlie Sheen's rants. They seem to be on every channel all the time. Missy Linda and Tio Kane each have on lots of news shows all the time. Even if they aren't actually watching the TV, it is on, and I can't get away from it (no legs or feet, remember?). I would have hoped that there would be more real news ON THE NEWS!

I think craziness is seeping through the TV sometimes, and Missy Linda is catching it. That's the last thing we need around this house, believe me! Here's what I have to witness around here: For pajamas, Missy Linda wears Tshirts that are too stained or ripped or too nearly worn out to be seen by anyone (and they shouldn't be seen by me, for sure!). Add to these, some pajama pants of various prints. The patterns on the pants have no relationship of any kind to the colors or patterns of the tops. Also, most of the pants are that length that looks so stupid, halfway between the knees and ankles. Then add to the vision that the pants are huge! Sometimes she also wears black socks- - -just like some old geezer with his sandles.

One day when Missy Linda looked particularly disturbing- - -or disturbed, she went up to Tio Kane, who was innocently eating his cereal, and she said, "Kane, I can't imagine why anyone could possibly leave this, can you?" Tio Kane spit milk all over the newspaper!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not a Good Listener

Hello most humans and many others,

It seems that I have become Missy Linda's confidante. This is a job that I do not want and did not ask for. However, since I cannot just walk away, I am forced to listen while she talks and talks and talks. She seems to work out her problems out loud, and I am forced to be a party to the whole process.

Right now, she is driving me crazy about things that are happening at work. Since she is now a supervisor, she can't decide if she needs to talk to the boss about a certain other supervisor's behavior. Some of the other employees want Missy Linda to speak to the boss on their behalf as well as for herself. Everyone who works with this person has to work extra hard to take up the slack she causes. It gets overwhelming after a while. No one has the energy to do another persons's work as well as her own. "No one at that place gets paid enough to do that," Missy Linda whines.

I just want to be left out of her paltry little human problems! I am too furiouw that I was not allowed to have an Oscar party this year!