Monday, January 31, 2011

On Its Way

Hello most humans and many others,

It has been an uneventful week around here, as usual. Missy Linda went to work and school, and I sat on the counter. That uneventful part might be changing soon.

There is a huge blizzard on its way tonight and tomorrow. It is suposed to be similar to the Christmas Eve Blizzard of '09. The interesting part of this one is that Missy Linda has to open the store tomorrow. She has to get there early, too, to make the run to the bank, among other jobs. She is not looking forward to the nervous tension of driving in such bad weather. I know that I wouldn't get into the car with her. I don't need to tell you why again.

I hear Missy Linda discussing issues with herself so I know that she is seriously engaged in forcing herself to do this tomorrow. While she likes her actual duties at work along with the people that she meets, she wonders if this job is actually worth crashing her car or getting hurt. She doesn't make enough money to pay for either, and she owes nothing on her car. The last thing she needs is a car payment, and her car insurance just went up without any claims--- so no telling what would happen if she had an accident! She is wondering; is it worth it?

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Words

Hello there most humans and many others,

I got a question from a lovely reader who wanted to know about a word that I have used in my blog before. I would like to thank her for wanting to find out more. Any of you out there who have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand: the word that the reader inquired about is "ridicible." I can't recall if I explained where I first heard this word, but I'll tell you all. It is not in any dictionary to my knowledge. As a matter of fact, that is a project on which Missy Carol, Missy Barb, Missy Linda, and I are working. We are trying to get the word recognized and listed in the dictionary.

Each year, there are some words that are dropped from the listings, and a few are added which are particularly timely and popular. An example of this is a word that was coined on The Colbert Report, "truthiness."

Now, back to "ridicible": At one of the slumber parties that are routinely held, Missy Carol told an entertaining story about something that happened at her office. A very unusual person who was visiting the office used the word in a hilarious way. This lady did not realize that it was not a "real" word. Missy Carol, Missy Barb, and Missy Linda thought it was a very useful word that fills a gap. After all, there is not another word that means a combination of ridiculous and incredible that also has a melodic sound.

So that is basically the story of the origins of "ridicible."

Long Week for an Old Person

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I am trying to steel myself for a lot of whining this week. Missy Linda is already bellyaching about the fact that she will be the mother of a 40-year-old on Wednesday. So what? I do not understand the way that you humans worry about age and crazy stuff like that! Why is it such a huge deal?

Of course, I don't get wrinkles or aches and pains or osteoporosis or old people stuff like that. But, there are lots of things I could whine about if I wanted to be like that.

I told Missy Linda to forget about how old she is and just wish Missy Elise a happy birthday. I think she should just be glad she is still here. As I mentioned, I don't understand this aging junk, but I'm guessing Missy Linda is actually lucky to still be alive- - -although I don't actually know how old she is. She just seems to be, as I've heard it called, over the hill!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Did You Know?

Greetings most humans and many others,

Did you know . . .

that saying it louder doesn't make it more right?

that age is not just a number?

that coworkers are aware when you are off your meds if you are bi-polar?

even if a female has skinny legs, she can't necessarily wear leggings as pants?

it is true in most cases that females over 40 should not wear miniskirts? Wait, let's make that: females over 35 should never wear miniskirts?

even though these are my opinions, they are true?

Friday, January 14, 2011


Hello most humans and many others,

Have you all been watching any of those shows about hoarding that are on television right now? I must say that I find it fascinating to observe human behavior through your shows - - - since that's about all I'm allowed to do these days of not going anywhere or doing anything. As you know Missy Linda doesn't go anywhere but work and school, and I am not invited to visit even those places. I'll guarantee you all that she hasn't been any place fun or interesting since I don't even know when! I personally feel that she owes it to me to try to "show me around" the human world, don't you?

But, back to the hoarding shows. I can certainly comprehend you people who save things or collect things in order to make other things or that you just like. (Maybe that's why I haven't ended up in the landfill!) I really have a comprehension problem, though, when it comes to the actual trash - - -stuff like all the wrappers, rotten food, and things that constitute garbage.

I will say that Tio Kane had what I think is a viable idea last evening. He suggested that people who hoard could gather up some of their stuff and put it to use. If they are helping others, maybe it would be more palateable to them to give away parts of their stashes. Also, if they actually take their things to places where people need whatever they have or where there have been disasters causing others to need everything, maybe it would be easier for them to separate from the belongings. Tio Kane suggested it could be a non-profit organization called, "Hoarders Without Borders." What do you think?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Really Winter

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, I guess it really is winter now. There is no doubt when it's twelve degrees. It is still not as cold here in Oklahoma as it was in Fort Collins the other day, Missy Elise said. It was three degrees there with a wind chill of minus seventeen. They planned to stay inside that day.

I am thinking that Missy Linda won't be going any place until she has to be at work at three this afternoon. She says she will have to decide how badly she needs a book for class tomorrow that she should go purchase today. She is supposed to read an assignment before class tomorrow, and she has to work tomorrow morning until just before class. She has become so lazy that she might decide that she can be unprepared for class this one time - - - as if she will be ready for every class except this one!

On an unrelated matter, I need some help with getting Missy Linda to stop playing a certain Christmas song that is driving me bonkers. Yes, Christmas is long past. Yes, she usually is eager to dispense with the Christmas products by noon on Christmas day. I don't know what has happened to her, but I can't take it much longer! I am serious! She still laughs out loud when she plays that old favorite that goes, "I'm dressing up like Santa Claus for Christmas, just as soon as I can get out on parole."

Please help me.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's Finally Here

Hello most humans and many others,

Well, winter weather is finally here! It is as cold as a grave digger's behind outside. (This is a G-rated, or at the worst PG-rated blog.) It is even snowing here more than Missy Linda expected from listening to the weather dudes and gals. It was raining or sleeting earlier. There is more stuff than she was prepared for this morning. So far, it is not too bad here. She doesn't even have to be at class until noon today.

We have been more concerned about Missy Linda's friend Missy Ashley, who started class at OSU in Stillwater this morning while still living in Edmond. She had to be there before 8:30am. The roads are worse up that way, but Missy Ashley has a good car and is a careful driver. We will assume that she is doing all right.

I know one thing for sure - - - I will not get into the car with Missy Linda in weather that's the least bit hazardous! I got my experience with that a few years ago when we landed in a ditch after hitting a slick spot. Never again for me, but Missy Linda can do whatever she pleases.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Did You Know?

Hello most humans and many others,

Since I mostly sit around observing human life, I thought you might not know some of the things I have learned:

Did you know - - -

Elvis Presley would have been seventy-six years old today?

just because you share a birthdate with a famous person, it does not elevate your status or intelligence or talent in any way?

Neil Diamond was right when he said, "Some days are diamonds, and some days are stones?"

if a woman goes back to using her maiden name after a divorce, people with whom she went to elementary school can much more easily find her on the internet?

hard work has killed lots of people?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Great Idea

Hello most humans and many others,

I was just thinking about Missy Linda's situation with her job. You know, like how they underpay her and overwork her- - -according to the gripes I am forced to endure several times a week just because I can't get up and leave wherever I am perched!

I happened to notice that story on the news the last couple of days about the man who was homeless in Cleveland. He now has job offers out the wazoo: one of which even gets him a free house. I did not hear exactly how he got on the news- - -just that he has a perfect announcer's voice and was previously on the radio. His little sign didn't appear to be anything special and I missed how he got noticed.

Anyway, I was considering how Missy Linda might be able to get attention in order to get a good job. So far, I haven't come up with a great way to do this, just the thought that this is what we should do. As soon as I figure out the perfect hook to grab an employer's attention, I will then have to come up with how to get Missy Linda to go along with my fabulous plan. It shouldn't be too difficult; I haven't noticed that she has had any luck in that department lately!