Sunday, August 30, 2009

What's All the Fuss?

Hello most humans and others,

I have been hearing so much about the year 1969 lately. What is the deal? That seems like a long time ago to be worrying about it now, don't you think? Missy Linda, of course, talks about the personal side of that year when she graduated high school and got married a week later. She feels that is not a good idea for anyone, and it certainly catapulted her life in a direction that she had not intended nor imagined. I think that she secretly wished that she could be a civilly disobedient protester, but she just was not mature enough at that point in her life to buck authority. If there was anything that Missy Linda was taught at home, it was that girls do not defy authority figures.

I have heard her telling Tio Kane stories about watching scenes of the Vietnam War on the news every night and seeing the civil rights protests with the police dogs and the high-powered water hoses. She was not at Woodstock, and she was not the type of person to withstand manure and mud with no food or showers to hear music, no matter what the social significance. I do know where she was when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, but I don't really understand why that is such a big deal.

You people still mystify me!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Does She Know?

Hi there most humans and others,

First let me warn you that this may stop right in the middle of a sentence because if Missy Linda catches me at the computer, I am in big trouble! (so she says!) She has discovered that I have been shopping while she is at work. I have not figured out how she knows these things, but I obviously have some human research to do.

Anyway, here it is Saturday, and she will be at work all day. I am totally bummed out! I am tired of being forced to live within her means! Why do I have to suffer just because she has a teenager's part time job? I think I should investigate how to become one of those rich girls on a reality show who are famous and wealthy for nothing at all! What do you all think about that? Oops! Here she comes. . .I'll

Friday, August 28, 2009

Blessed Basil

Hello there most humans and others,

As most of you are aware, Missy Linda has been whining about her run of bad luck lately. Personally, I would say she is kvetching about the consequences of running her life off into a ditch, but, I digress. Anyway, she ran across some seeds that she had purchased at the St. Elijah Food Festival sometime in the past years.

St. Elijah's is an Eastern Orthodox church not far from where Missy Linda lives. Every fall they have this festival that earns them money hand over fist. The homeland of many of the members or their forebears is Lebanon. Tio Kane and Missy Linda enjoy going to different food festivals to sample different ethnic foods without having to make a commitment of money, time and effort to try them at home. They have been to the Greek Festival at a church near St. Elijah's, too. (Greek food - - - too much goat cheese!!!) They enjoy shopping at the Asian markets in the Asian district of OKC when they have time.

Back to the basil - - - Missy Linda purchased the basil seeds, which had been blessed by a clergyman at the church. You know how weird she is sometimes! Anyway, when she ran across the seeds recently in the cabinet, she decided to see if they would still grow after a few years . They did! Maybe there is something to this! She has just cut the first batch and seasoned her pasta that she ate the other day. Stand by to find out if the "Blessed Basil" has any effect on her pitiful life. I'll keep you updated, OK?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

None of Those Here

Hi there most humans and others,

Well, I have some good news from our house! Can you even imagine? As you may know, we have been having a run of less than stellar luck lately. There is a plague going around the world that we do not have at our house, and, furthermore, we will not have at our house unless someone new moves here! Have you heard of the new scourge? It is called cankles!

That is when your ankles are not well-defined. For instance, when your ankle bones are not visible, that would be cankles. This unfortunate curse means that you are not able to wear the cute new ankle-strap shoes that are all the rage. It could mean other things as well, but I will just let you imagine some of those.

Now, some of you may be thinking, Juana does not even have feet! What in the world is she so happy about? Well, you see, I may not have feet, but I definitely do not have cankles! That is an important item to be on my list of attributes since my main talent is being beautiful. It also gives Missy Linda that one little thing that she can hold onto on a bad day. You know that she does not have many things going her way sometimes. Let's just let her grasp onto any little ray of hope that she can, OK?

Monday, August 24, 2009

That Was Not Exciting!

Hello most humans and others,

Missy Linda got a message from the Feds that she need not continue checking to find out if she must report for jury duty. They will contact her if they need her. She is relieved, but her experience was rather lacking as far as material for her to use, any excitement or meeting any fascinating people. It was pretty much a wash, she says.

I personally feel that she should be happy that she didn't get mixed up in more excitement than she would really want. You know, like being on the jury of some huge famous trial or some mobster or someone like that. I think she should count herself fortunate. She's probably just cranky because she is tired. She had to work late last night because they were so busy at the store yesterday, and a couple of people did not show up for work. She will feel better after she gets off work tonight, I'm sure. (!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Off To Work She Goes!

Hi there most humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda is just about ready to leave for work, and I am making my internet shopping plans for the afternoon! Can you think of a better hot, August, Sunday afternoon activity than to curl up with a credit card and the internet shopping world? I know for sure that I can't!

Missy Linda will come home so exhausted that she won't realize what's going on for awhile, so that gives me some time to get things ordered. Well, wish me luck!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Freaky Friday?

Hi there most humans and others,

Well, I guess (hope) you've been wondering why I am not communicating much lately. Things seems kind of strange around here right now. Also, Tio Kane has been using the computer a lot, and I haven't been allowed to get my turn. He has been getting all his financial aid and enrolling and everything taken care of at UCO this past week and the week before. That's right. Now Tio Kane is going to college, and Missy Linda is not. That's why I was wondering if I am in a Freaky Friday-type movie- - -that's where the mother and daughter change bodies and lives. Things around here seem a little backwards right now. But, then again, I have to wonder if things around here ever were very "normal" anyway!

You know how the least little thing gets Missy Linda's panties all in a bunch! Well, she is having a little trouble adjusting to not being a student. A couple of times, friends of hers from classes she took, have come into the fabric store where she works. That makes her kind of homesick for school more than usual. She does keep up with what some friends are doing through Facebook, but it's not the same, she says. I guess she will get on the ball and try to make lots of dough this fall so this won't happen to her again, huh? She does wish that she could work more hours, but the company has rules about that! Some of you probably know how that goes, right?

Monday, August 17, 2009

No Excitement Today

Hello most humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda did not get chosen for a jury today. Unless something changes, she is to report tomorrow. She has decided that she doesn't mind it too much now that she knows the routine. It is nice and cool in the court room, at least. She says that can not be said about work.

I thought I would be helpful to those of you who might need to hire an attorney for some kind of a trial. I feel if you discover that your attorney is trying to learn how to choose a jury from the internet, you might consider other options.* I just thought that was a very unusual ad on my page. I think that I would be more likely to let Missy Ryley cut my hair than to use an attorney who is learning his/her stuff from videos purchased on the internet! Perhaps I am wrong, but I really don't think so.

Hey! I wonder if Missy Linda could get me through security so that I could go with her tomorrow to witness justice in action. I watch a lot of court shows on television, and it looks pretty exciting. Surely Missy Linda is wrong when she talks about how boring it really is, right?

*This is not to be construed as legal advice of any type. It is merely an observation.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh, Fabulous! Black Shirts!

Hello most humans and others,

Oh, my goodness! Missy Linda is having a fit! When she went to work yesterday, it was announced that there would be new black shirts to wear for work! No one is happy, she says. Black is not one of her colors, she says. Black absorbs heat, she says. The fabric is heavy cotton, she says. It makes her perspire, she says. (That is not exactly the way that she said that!) They will have to wear only khaki colored pants, she says. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

She also has her panties in a bunch that only the manager and assistant manager are allowed to be full time. She had hoped to get to be full time soon. To that I say to her, "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!" And, "Don't forget to leave your credit card here so that I can shop!" That pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole thing!

Happy Anniversary to Missy Elise and Mr. Brett!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mr. Nelson Earns His Keep

Greetings most humans and others,

Missy Linda was just mentioning that she has just realized that she has not had to buy a big bag of bird seed since Nelson came to live here. She said that she will need to buy some soon, but since he is so good at keeping the squirrels from eating it, he has saved her as much as he cost. She says that you can't beat that with a stick. He's cute, he's cuddly, he's smart and he practically earns money! Now if he can just be my date and take me out places, he will earn my undying gratitude!

Missy Linda found out that she doesn't have to report for jury duty again until Monday. That's okay with her because now she can get some more hours in at work. She says maybe her feet will be put to the test this time working three days in a row, but she might as well get used to it. She has had such an easy ride, she might as well start getting a taste of the life of the people with minimum wage jobs! Right?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not Chosen

Greetings most humans and others,

Well, Missy Linda did not get chosen to be on a jury yesterday. She did not get so far as to get questioned yet. She will find out later today when she must report again. She would have liked to be on the jury chosen yesterday so that she might be excused after that, but it is not a sure thing to be excused after one trial anyway. She discovered that her duty lasts until September 11. That is going to be annoying to keep running downtown a couple of times a week unless she gets to actually serve. The trial yesterday was a criminal case, but not murder or anything that serious.

Did you know that the judge asks potential jurors if they have any bumper stickers, and, if so, what are they? Do you think Missy Linda should go out and scrape her car down before she goes back? She has only two, and she says she is not going to clean them off just because of that. She felt pretty brave back when she put a political sticker on her car last fall since she is definitely in the minority for Oklahoma. She feels that a sticker for a candidate is not crazy like some of the stickers she sees.

Hey, wait! Perhaps she should go and get some bumper stickers that portray her as the crazy person she really is! After all, one must take an oath to tell the truth to be a juror as well as a witness! That seems like a good plan to me! What do you think?

Who else is brave enough to check out this web site for pictures of skin rashes? (see ads) I think that I might do it. After all, Mr. Nick might be on there! He was in some videos for his oral surgeon! I think that is something one would not want to be asked to be in because he must have had some interesting teeth that needed some interesting surgery to be in those videos!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It is About Time!

Hello most humans and others,

Well, we finally have some pretty good news on our home front. Missy Linda finally got a job! I was beginning to think she was completely unemployable! (Don't tell her I said that, ok?) It is just a part time job right now, but she hopes she will get more hours soon. I certainly hope so, too! If I am going to shop on the internet while she is at work, she will have to make more than part time money! She is silly enough to think that she will use the money for school and living expenses! Can you imagine!

The biggest problem is that she has that jury duty starting Monday. She won't get many hours right when she needs to be learning the ropes and maybe when she needs the money the most. The boss is going to try to work around the jury duty, but she has to be available for four to five weeks. That will make it hard for the boss to schedule her any time but the weekend. Oh, well, it is what it is.

Missy Linda said her feet didn't hurt as much as she was afraid they would since her job is at a fabric store, and she stands all day. Her back was very tired at the end of the day, but it is not sore or anything today. She said that everyone must be redecorating because she had to cut fabric from those big old rolls on which decorator fabric comes most of the day. The only thing that hurts today, she said, is her knees---the backs of her knees. I'll bet we will hear the whining about that for a few days, don't you think. I think we all know something that helps knees stop hurting, don't we? (losing weight!) But you didn't hear it from me!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jury Duty

Hi most humans and others,

I heard Missy Linda say that she has jury duty next week. It is for the Feds. She is nervous, and she really, really hopes that she does not have to go. She believes that she should do her duty, but she is in the middle of job hunting, and school will start soon, and her mind is so scattered these days that you probably wouldn't want her deciding your guilt or innocence. Come to think of it, I wouldn't want her deciding my fate any time, but that's beside the point. I have never personally heard of a jury that would consist of my peers, have you?

She has to check in at 7:30 am. That does not sound like fun to her. She has become accustomed to sleeping until at least 7:00 am. Also, cell phones cannot even be in the building! That will probably hurt others more than Missy Linda, but still, it will be strange.

It seems that Missy Carol is doing well. She went to Missy Barb's house during the day yesterday so Mr. Fred could go to work. I'll bet they had a party. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Good Things

Hello humans and most others,

Well, Missy Carol is doing great! We are glad for that good news, aren't we? She should be going home today. Not being a human, I don't know much about human medical matters, but I hear that Missy Carol is a miracle woman. Whatever it takes, we are glad for it.

We have not seen the results yet, but I heard, very loudly, that Missy Ryley fancies herself quite the hairdresser! Evidently, she decided that she could give her sister, Missy Emma, a stunning, avant-garde hair cut. She needs a little more training, though, before using scissors, it appears. As I said, we have not seen it yet, but Missy Emma did make an impromptu visit to the "real" salon for re-styling. She probably just looks like most of the other two-year-olds now- - -just what Missy Ryley was trying to avoid!

Well, Missy Linda says she needs the computer for applying for jobs. Bless her heart, she just keeps after it, doesn't she?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hey! Something Has Gone Wrong Here!

Greetings humans and most others,

I have come to realize that it might be that Mr. Nelson is not the good friend I thought him to be. I am getting the feeling that he is taking my place rather than being a companion. On Saturday, Missy Barb had everyone over for a cookout to visit with Missy Carol and Missy Deanna, and Mr. Nelson got to go, and I DID NOT! I was just unceremoniously left sitting here on the buffet in the dining room (my usual spot).

I believe that I was not even considered as a guest at the cookout because I was not even moved closer to the door so as not to be forgotten or anything along those lines. No one even looked my way or talked about, "Hey, we must not forget to take Juana!" I am not very happy about this! I hope that I will not have to join forces with Mr. Mushu to make Mr. Nelson's life miserable---even though this is technically Missy Linda's fault (of course)!

I would like for everyone to have good thoughts and prayers for Missy Carol today as she has a procedure at St. Anthony's to fix her arteries. We are confident that she will be back to normal in no time! Hang in there, Missy Carol! We love you.