Greetings humans,
As I promised, here is proof that there was actual standoff drama right in our own backyard, literally. Missy Linda is not sure who was there first, Mushu or the raccoon, but she thinks probably Mushu was already lying there "bird watching." The bird feeders are right above the raccoon's head. Scenes such as this are one reason that Missy Linda is of the opinion that Mushu believes himself to be invisible. He will wait that close to the feeders for an interminable length of time, seemingly fully expecting birds to come feed right next to him.
"At least he tries," says Missy Linda with the confidence that the birds are in no real danger.
In the picture above, we can see that Mushu is staring at the raccoon, while the raccoon ignores Mushu. They do actually stare at each other for periods of time, but nothing else happens. Each decides the other is harmless and goes about his business.

In this picture, we can see Mushu looking up as the cardinals swoop toward the feeder, see the giant cat and raccoon, and then swoop away. The raccoon stops eating momentarily to mug for the camera. This goes on for awhile.
Is that so exciting that you can hardly believe it? Why waste your energy going to a zoo when you can see drama like this from your window? Right?
Missy Linda wants me to issue a disclaimer about that sad stick that was a crepe myrtle. Two of those "sticks" are the actual original bush that Missy Linda transplanted in the heat of summer a couple of weeks ago. The sad little branches that can barely be seen are the live pieces that are left. The other sticks and things are being used to position the branches where she would like for them to grow. If there's one thing about Missy Linda, it's that she just can't leave well enough alone. Can you believe her?