Wow! I had no idea that July would be such a busy month! First there is Independence Day. Right after that is Canada Day. I believe that it is on the 14th when Bastille Day is celebrated. I can't help but wonder if there are other anniversaries of governments that are celebrated in July! What is it about the hot, humid summer air that causes you humans to overthrow governments? Or is it the desire for new governments that is in the air?
I have heard that violent crime escalates on the hottest days and nights. Is that sparked by the same impetus as the desire for freedom? Oh, my goodness. I believe that the heat and humidity must cause tortilla keeper people to ask too many questions. That's certainly peculiar, isn't it?
I am not usually so philosophical in my quest for knowledge about you humans. Ordinarily, I just want to know where I can get a pretty dress or some such nonsense. Since I am obviously of Hispanic descent, I should probably try to get some information about when Mexico and other Latin American countries celebrate their birthdays. I think I'll just go and do that right now. I feel certain that I should research what type of costumes or fancy clothes are worn for each holiday, don't you think?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Standoff in Suburbia!
Gracious greetings all,
I can't believe it, but Missy Linda has missed a fabulous photo opportunity again. Actually, I don't know why I said, "I can't believe it", because it happens more often than not. Late in the afternoon yesterday, Missy Linda and Tio Kane were watching a raccoon eat sunflower seeds from under the bird feeders. This was a little unusual since it was still daytime, but this was a kid raccoon so maybe he did not know to wait until evening. Maybe he didn't care what time it was, he just knew he was hungry.
Missy Linda called it a kid because it definitely was not the very large mother raccoon that she sees sometimes that can easily stand up and take the bird feeders off the hangers. This raccoon could just reach them when he kind of jumped to knock them around some. The first time he was in the yard, he was scared away by a noise or something.
After a while, Mushu, (you know, the giant cat who is my friend) was lying out in the middle of the back yard, probably ten feet from the bird feeders. All of a sudden Missy Linda and Tio Kane noticed that the raccoon was back, and he and Mushu were staring at each other. As you may remember, Missy Linda thinks that Mushu believes himself to be invisible! Anyway, they just stared at each other for awhile, and then the raccoon went back to eating the sunflower seeds. Mushu just laid there reflecting the sun like he was in the spotlight of a Broadway show.
Unfortunately, by the time Missy Linda decided that they would stay there long enough to get a picture, Missy Button had seen the raccoon and had chased it away. I'll swear! It's a good thing that woman doesn't make her living as a paparazzo! She would never get the good shot, and then I would never get to have a good life, would I?
I can't believe it, but Missy Linda has missed a fabulous photo opportunity again. Actually, I don't know why I said, "I can't believe it", because it happens more often than not. Late in the afternoon yesterday, Missy Linda and Tio Kane were watching a raccoon eat sunflower seeds from under the bird feeders. This was a little unusual since it was still daytime, but this was a kid raccoon so maybe he did not know to wait until evening. Maybe he didn't care what time it was, he just knew he was hungry.
Missy Linda called it a kid because it definitely was not the very large mother raccoon that she sees sometimes that can easily stand up and take the bird feeders off the hangers. This raccoon could just reach them when he kind of jumped to knock them around some. The first time he was in the yard, he was scared away by a noise or something.
After a while, Mushu, (you know, the giant cat who is my friend) was lying out in the middle of the back yard, probably ten feet from the bird feeders. All of a sudden Missy Linda and Tio Kane noticed that the raccoon was back, and he and Mushu were staring at each other. As you may remember, Missy Linda thinks that Mushu believes himself to be invisible! Anyway, they just stared at each other for awhile, and then the raccoon went back to eating the sunflower seeds. Mushu just laid there reflecting the sun like he was in the spotlight of a Broadway show.
Unfortunately, by the time Missy Linda decided that they would stay there long enough to get a picture, Missy Button had seen the raccoon and had chased it away. I'll swear! It's a good thing that woman doesn't make her living as a paparazzo! She would never get the good shot, and then I would never get to have a good life, would I?
Friday, June 27, 2008
Good morning all,
Surprise! That's what we got here in central Oklahoma this morning---a huge thunderstorm! It is still thundering here off and on. The weather dudes did not say anything about it until a few minutes before it started----and Missy Linda was up at 5:00 am and heard all the news and weather. She doesn't want anyone to think that she likes to be up at that time. It was strictly an absolute necessity to get some work finished. She is always having to hurry at the last minute to get finished! I heard some hollering from upstairs off and on so I think things may have been going badly.
Although at this house, we don't have a five day work week like many people do, I am still glad that it's Friday. It seems that Missy Linda's brain and body kind of quit on her sometime on Friday afternoon. Friday nights are good nights to catch a good movie or do something quiet around here---what could be more quiet than doing nothing? If she ever wants to get a social life, she is going to have to start doing things on Friday nights! I have observed that a great number of you humans get out or just stop on your way home from work and never make it home on Friday nights. I'm not suggesting that for someone Missy Linda's age, but even she needs a social life, don't you think?
Perhaps after I get a great social life of my own, I can help her get hers started. That would be a good deed for me to do. I understand that you humans put great stock in helping each other in times of need, and believe me, Missy Linda is in need of a social life!
Surprise! That's what we got here in central Oklahoma this morning---a huge thunderstorm! It is still thundering here off and on. The weather dudes did not say anything about it until a few minutes before it started----and Missy Linda was up at 5:00 am and heard all the news and weather. She doesn't want anyone to think that she likes to be up at that time. It was strictly an absolute necessity to get some work finished. She is always having to hurry at the last minute to get finished! I heard some hollering from upstairs off and on so I think things may have been going badly.
Although at this house, we don't have a five day work week like many people do, I am still glad that it's Friday. It seems that Missy Linda's brain and body kind of quit on her sometime on Friday afternoon. Friday nights are good nights to catch a good movie or do something quiet around here---what could be more quiet than doing nothing? If she ever wants to get a social life, she is going to have to start doing things on Friday nights! I have observed that a great number of you humans get out or just stop on your way home from work and never make it home on Friday nights. I'm not suggesting that for someone Missy Linda's age, but even she needs a social life, don't you think?
Perhaps after I get a great social life of my own, I can help her get hers started. That would be a good deed for me to do. I understand that you humans put great stock in helping each other in times of need, and believe me, Missy Linda is in need of a social life!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sounds Like a Great Holiday!
Hello everyone,
I just heard that a week from tomorrow is a huge holiday here. From the information I received, it sounds like the kind of celebration I will enjoy a great deal. The scoop that I got was that there are fireworks, lots of food, parades and more stuff that I can't remember. I am really looking forward to that!
In general, I have enjoyed the holidays that you humans celebrate, but this one sounds like an extra fun one. I am particularly interested in the fireworks. I am guessing that those can be spectacular!
Of course, I am ready to plan my outfit for that day. I understand that I should wear red, white and blue or maybe something representing the American flag. That sounds fun, too!
Missy Linda tells a story about Mr. Nick and the Fourth of July. He always loved to shoot off fireworks that day. He would shoot firecrackers and things like that all day. He always had trouble getting the older kids and adults to go outside to do it with him. They always said that it was too hot. One year Mr. Nick said that he must be a grown man because he now thought it was too hot to go outside to shoot off firecrackers! I think that does mean that he is grown now, don't you?
I just heard that a week from tomorrow is a huge holiday here. From the information I received, it sounds like the kind of celebration I will enjoy a great deal. The scoop that I got was that there are fireworks, lots of food, parades and more stuff that I can't remember. I am really looking forward to that!
In general, I have enjoyed the holidays that you humans celebrate, but this one sounds like an extra fun one. I am particularly interested in the fireworks. I am guessing that those can be spectacular!
Of course, I am ready to plan my outfit for that day. I understand that I should wear red, white and blue or maybe something representing the American flag. That sounds fun, too!
Missy Linda tells a story about Mr. Nick and the Fourth of July. He always loved to shoot off fireworks that day. He would shoot firecrackers and things like that all day. He always had trouble getting the older kids and adults to go outside to do it with him. They always said that it was too hot. One year Mr. Nick said that he must be a grown man because he now thought it was too hot to go outside to shoot off firecrackers! I think that does mean that he is grown now, don't you?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I Could Do This!
Good morning,
As you can see, I have been day dreaming again! I suppose that's where a great deal of my time has been used lately. I did not realize that Monday and Tuesday had completely gotten away from me. I don't feel that this kind of dreaming is a waste of time for me since I want to design myself a killer wardrobe. One must imagine to be a designer!
I look pretty hot, don't I? This is me in one of Christian Siriano's dresses from Project Runway. I think it is divine! I love to imagine that my arms will bend as well as that I have feet. I think that I would make a pretty cool human, don't you? However, even though I am not a human, I could be a designer for humans. That would be a real hoot!
I will say that because of my heritage (evidently Hispanic, since I am a tortilla keeper), I do enjoy brighter colors than most of the designers for humans use. Did you see my beautiful Cinco de Mayo dress? That's the kind of pop that I like for myself! I am not a staid or dull Styrofoam based tortilla keeper person, now am I? (If I am dull, someone had better tell me!)

As you can see, I have been day dreaming again! I suppose that's where a great deal of my time has been used lately. I did not realize that Monday and Tuesday had completely gotten away from me. I don't feel that this kind of dreaming is a waste of time for me since I want to design myself a killer wardrobe. One must imagine to be a designer!
I look pretty hot, don't I? This is me in one of Christian Siriano's dresses from Project Runway. I think it is divine! I love to imagine that my arms will bend as well as that I have feet. I think that I would make a pretty cool human, don't you? However, even though I am not a human, I could be a designer for humans. That would be a real hoot!
I will say that because of my heritage (evidently Hispanic, since I am a tortilla keeper), I do enjoy brighter colors than most of the designers for humans use. Did you see my beautiful Cinco de Mayo dress? That's the kind of pop that I like for myself! I am not a staid or dull Styrofoam based tortilla keeper person, now am I? (If I am dull, someone had better tell me!)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Friend, Christian

Greetings everyone,
This is a picture of me with my friend, Christian Siriano. If you'll remember, he is the most recent winner of Project Runway. He is a very nice friend to help me design the wardrobe of my dreams, don't you think? He is so talented that it makes me feel as if my tiny plastic head might explode! It is so nice of him to help me, especially since he has so many famous friends now. He's the best!
Here he is sketching some beautiful dresses that he believes might fit my unusual body type. I really would like to look my best, but it is hard when one's bottom half is a Styrofoam tortilla keeper. You just can't even imagine! (and if you can imagine, I want to meet you).
Did you think that I wasn't going to be writing today? Well, I was worried about it myself. Missy Linda slept really late, and then she has been acting very lazy the rest of the time. I think that she went someplace last night that had lots of cigarette smoke, judging from the smell when she came home last night. She is allergic to smoke so I think she might have a tiny headache today. If she doesn't, those huge dark circles under her eyes make everyone think that she does. I believe she needs to call on the expertise of Mr. Max Factor and get that problem taken care of for sure. She is always extolling the genius of Max Factor and Mary Kay Ash. She is still in a snit because when Miss Mary Kay died, they discontinued some of Missy Linda's favorite products. She feels there should be legislation to prevent just such problems! Maybe she will run for office on that platform! I wouldn't vote for her, would you?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Have Famous Friends!
Greetings world,
Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive! I cannot believe who some of my friends are on MySpace! They are some of my most favorite people in all the world. As you can see on my computer screen, the first one is Tio Kane. Next is a picture of Whoopi Goldberg at the Tonys wearing a dress designed by Christian Siriano, who is one of my friends and the most recent winner on Project Runway. Then, as you can see, is Nick Verreos with Kathy Griffin. He designed that dress for her, and he was one of my favorites on Project Runway. RuPaul is barely visible. I don't need to tell you who that is, do I? Margaret Cho is further down the page so you can't see her in this shot---but she's my friend, too!

I am so completely consumed by awe and joy right now, I don't even know if I am making any sense. I think that perhaps I had better go for now and let myself absorb all of this. I'm sure I'll feel calmer a little later, aren't you?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Going to School
So what are you all up to? Missy Linda is working on getting her fall college enrollment done. There's no problem signing up for all the classes. That's super easy these days. She can do it at her own computer in her pj's at any time of the day or night. Right now she is filling out the forms and trying to get information about grants and sources of money to pay for college. She really needs to go to school full time if she wants to graduate by the time that the Mr. quits helping with finances. She feels that it would be good to be out of school and making enough money on which to live by then. If she's not making a lot more money by then, she said she might have to put me to work! I hope that she is joking. What does a Styrofoam-based tortilla keeper person make these days, anyway?
I've told you how Missy Linda is----she gets all worked up about a lot of things! It's pretty easy to make a big list on any given day. She's just in that kind of mind set right now, I guess. I just know that if she would think about me a lot more, it would be good for her and take her mind off her worries. She could assist me in creating beautiful clothes and accessories that would help me to make my mark on the world. Someday I plan to be famous for just being beautiful and always fabulous! Is that too much to ask?
So what are you all up to? Missy Linda is working on getting her fall college enrollment done. There's no problem signing up for all the classes. That's super easy these days. She can do it at her own computer in her pj's at any time of the day or night. Right now she is filling out the forms and trying to get information about grants and sources of money to pay for college. She really needs to go to school full time if she wants to graduate by the time that the Mr. quits helping with finances. She feels that it would be good to be out of school and making enough money on which to live by then. If she's not making a lot more money by then, she said she might have to put me to work! I hope that she is joking. What does a Styrofoam-based tortilla keeper person make these days, anyway?
I've told you how Missy Linda is----she gets all worked up about a lot of things! It's pretty easy to make a big list on any given day. She's just in that kind of mind set right now, I guess. I just know that if she would think about me a lot more, it would be good for her and take her mind off her worries. She could assist me in creating beautiful clothes and accessories that would help me to make my mark on the world. Someday I plan to be famous for just being beautiful and always fabulous! Is that too much to ask?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Pets Get Attention
Greetings everyone out there,
I must apologize for being so late again. Missy Linda slept really late today, and yesterday she said that she had work she had to get finished. It's always something! She is getting busy taking care of her pets all the time. She has cooked special food for my friend, Andrew, for quite a while. Now she is fixing special food for the dogs. It seems Mr. Puck has had some intestinal problems lately so now she is cooking stuff for the dogs. Missy Button has not been eating well either, and that means they both get home cooked meals. Missy Linda thinks that they are feeling somewhat better now, but she says it will take a little while.
Even though Missy Linda gave the dogs those horrible haircuts, they seem more comfortable since they must be much cooler. Mr. Puck doesn't have to sleep right on top of the air-conditioning vent; he just lies right next to it now. Missy Button, who loves to be outside, can stay out much longer when it is hot now. Sometimes I suppose that utility must trump vanity. Is that true?
I must apologize for being so late again. Missy Linda slept really late today, and yesterday she said that she had work she had to get finished. It's always something! She is getting busy taking care of her pets all the time. She has cooked special food for my friend, Andrew, for quite a while. Now she is fixing special food for the dogs. It seems Mr. Puck has had some intestinal problems lately so now she is cooking stuff for the dogs. Missy Button has not been eating well either, and that means they both get home cooked meals. Missy Linda thinks that they are feeling somewhat better now, but she says it will take a little while.
Even though Missy Linda gave the dogs those horrible haircuts, they seem more comfortable since they must be much cooler. Mr. Puck doesn't have to sleep right on top of the air-conditioning vent; he just lies right next to it now. Missy Button, who loves to be outside, can stay out much longer when it is hot now. Sometimes I suppose that utility must trump vanity. Is that true?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Good day all,
How is everyone this Father's Day? I am just guessing that not too many fathers read my blog. (I know of only one for certain.) Even so, most of us have a father or a father figure, if we aren't fathers, except for me. I have not found out my ancestry yet, so I have no idea who my father might have been. It's really more important who is in your life and helps you and cares about you than who is actually your biological father. Don't get me wrong----it can be one person who plays both roles.
While I don't know anything about my father, I have heard Missy Linda talk about her dad. She has said that she doesn't know how he worked so hard all the time. His job was always strenuous physical labor, and then he would come home and garden until dark for a very long growing season. Missy Linda says she remembers planting potatoes as early as Valentine's Day, and the garden was not finished until the squash and black eyed peas and peppers were gone. When one crop was over, that place would be re-planted with some plants that needed hotter weather to grow. When Missy Linda was young, the garden was not a little patch in the back yard like we think of now. It was more than an acre. Her father and grandfather would plow with a horse and work the garden just as people had d0ne in earlier times. That garden was big enough to need a tractor, but they couldn't afford one.
Missy Linda must have been a real country girl because she said that when the horse didn't have to plow the fields, that was her horse to ride. Her saddle was a gunny sack with cotton in it, sewed together on the end. Anyway, she says that she knew her dad would make sure that they were never hungry. What she wouldn't give now for some of that fresh corn like they used to grow! Missy Linda said that they picked it when it was less mature than what we buy at the store, which meant it was more tender and sweet.
One of the nice things that Missy Linda's dad did for her was to bring her home a baby squirrel to take care of. He punched holes in his lunch box, and put it in there. Evidently, the mother squirrel had been killed, and he knew Missy Linda would want to take care of the baby. They had cages at their house where they sometimes had rabbits. That was a very touching thing to Missy Linda for her dad to do.
How is everyone this Father's Day? I am just guessing that not too many fathers read my blog. (I know of only one for certain.) Even so, most of us have a father or a father figure, if we aren't fathers, except for me. I have not found out my ancestry yet, so I have no idea who my father might have been. It's really more important who is in your life and helps you and cares about you than who is actually your biological father. Don't get me wrong----it can be one person who plays both roles.
While I don't know anything about my father, I have heard Missy Linda talk about her dad. She has said that she doesn't know how he worked so hard all the time. His job was always strenuous physical labor, and then he would come home and garden until dark for a very long growing season. Missy Linda says she remembers planting potatoes as early as Valentine's Day, and the garden was not finished until the squash and black eyed peas and peppers were gone. When one crop was over, that place would be re-planted with some plants that needed hotter weather to grow. When Missy Linda was young, the garden was not a little patch in the back yard like we think of now. It was more than an acre. Her father and grandfather would plow with a horse and work the garden just as people had d0ne in earlier times. That garden was big enough to need a tractor, but they couldn't afford one.
Missy Linda must have been a real country girl because she said that when the horse didn't have to plow the fields, that was her horse to ride. Her saddle was a gunny sack with cotton in it, sewed together on the end. Anyway, she says that she knew her dad would make sure that they were never hungry. What she wouldn't give now for some of that fresh corn like they used to grow! Missy Linda said that they picked it when it was less mature than what we buy at the store, which meant it was more tender and sweet.
One of the nice things that Missy Linda's dad did for her was to bring her home a baby squirrel to take care of. He punched holes in his lunch box, and put it in there. Evidently, the mother squirrel had been killed, and he knew Missy Linda would want to take care of the baby. They had cages at their house where they sometimes had rabbits. That was a very touching thing to Missy Linda for her dad to do.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Don't I Look Great?
Good morning world,
Look, look, look! This is how I would look as a human! See how cool I look with feet and legs instead of a Styrofoam tortilla-keeper bottom half. I think that I can work with even my unusual bottom half as a talented designer, don't you? These are the kind of clothes that I am dreaming about in my design work. Do I look good, or what?
Ok, ok, I know that I would need darker skin. That would be great anyway---it's much more sultry looking. I am just going bananas at the thoughts of myself with fabulous things like these! Of course, I feel I deserve them after the somewhat difficult life I have lived, don't you?
Speaking of a difficult life, I am also going to get busy researching my past. I don't really know where to start, but I have a need to know----it could be very exciting. As soon as I discover any details, you guys will be the first to know. I have so much to get started doing! I had better go and get busy, don't you think?
I love to get comments about my life or my blog. You guys are the only friends I have except for "the girls"-----you know, Missy Linda and her friends.
Look, look, look! This is how I would look as a human! See how cool I look with feet and legs instead of a Styrofoam tortilla-keeper bottom half. I think that I can work with even my unusual bottom half as a talented designer, don't you? These are the kind of clothes that I am dreaming about in my design work. Do I look good, or what?

Speaking of a difficult life, I am also going to get busy researching my past. I don't really know where to start, but I have a need to know----it could be very exciting. As soon as I discover any details, you guys will be the first to know. I have so much to get started doing! I had better go and get busy, don't you think?
I love to get comments about my life or my blog. You guys are the only friends I have except for "the girls"-----you know, Missy Linda and her friends.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oops! I Goofed!
Can you believe that I, Juana Tortilla, could possibly make a mistake? I know, it's mind boggling, isn't it? I know that you are not accustomed to dealing with it, but we will get through this together. Yesterday, I said that Charlotte is an attorney. I goofed. Even though I knew that she is not, I did not catch my error. After a kind comment from a reader, I have gone back to fix the error. It is Miranda who is the attorney; Charlotte is a stay-at-home mom who was an art gallery curator. I'll bet a lot of you guys noticed that blunder, right?
If you live here in central Oklahoma, is your head about to explode lately? Missy Linda and Tio Kane say that theirs are. I don't want to be there when that happens! They said that this time of year is when they get lots of headaches, but they are tired of it! They both have lots of allergies, but this time of year with the heat and oppressive humidity is bad for them for some reason. When Missy Linda gets out the ice bag, I know to lie low and not bug her about stuff. She says the extreme cold helps her big headaches. Whatever works for her is fine with me. I don't have much experience with human ailments----except when the "girls" encouraged me to drink that beer that was as tall as I am! That was not funny the next couple of days!
I want to give a big shout out to Missy Barb! She finally has her air-conditioner fixed! It has been not working since she went on that trip last month. Actually, it really had not worked correctly since they installed it, it just wasn't hot enough to tell yet. It has taken them all this time to figure out the problem and fix it. She is a happy person today! Congratulations, Missy Barb!
Can you believe that I, Juana Tortilla, could possibly make a mistake? I know, it's mind boggling, isn't it? I know that you are not accustomed to dealing with it, but we will get through this together. Yesterday, I said that Charlotte is an attorney. I goofed. Even though I knew that she is not, I did not catch my error. After a kind comment from a reader, I have gone back to fix the error. It is Miranda who is the attorney; Charlotte is a stay-at-home mom who was an art gallery curator. I'll bet a lot of you guys noticed that blunder, right?
If you live here in central Oklahoma, is your head about to explode lately? Missy Linda and Tio Kane say that theirs are. I don't want to be there when that happens! They said that this time of year is when they get lots of headaches, but they are tired of it! They both have lots of allergies, but this time of year with the heat and oppressive humidity is bad for them for some reason. When Missy Linda gets out the ice bag, I know to lie low and not bug her about stuff. She says the extreme cold helps her big headaches. Whatever works for her is fine with me. I don't have much experience with human ailments----except when the "girls" encouraged me to drink that beer that was as tall as I am! That was not funny the next couple of days!
I want to give a big shout out to Missy Barb! She finally has her air-conditioner fixed! It has been not working since she went on that trip last month. Actually, it really had not worked correctly since they installed it, it just wasn't hot enough to tell yet. It has taken them all this time to figure out the problem and fix it. She is a happy person today! Congratulations, Missy Barb!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm Inspired
Good day all,
I have been inspired by all the interviews and talk shows and trailers I have seen about the women in Sex and the City. As I said yesterday, I am excited about designing a new chic and fabulous wardrobe for myself. In that picture from yesterday of Sarah Jessica Parker and me side-by-side, did you notice that we have the same taste in clothes? The flowers that make the top of her dress are bigger than mine, but proportionally, they may be equal. I am almost ready to go to the drawing board as I have been working out things in my head for several days now. Maybe I could become a famous fashion designer, don't you think?
I also like the clothes that the character, Charlotte, wears in the movie and in the old HBO show that the movie continues. Kristen Davis is her actual name. I see her as very elegant without going to extremes. She doesn't usually wear over-the-top fashions. I thought several of the things that the character, Samantha, wears appeared to be from the 80's. Am I the only one who feels that way? Since Miranda is an attorney, she wears beautiful things, but they are office-appropriate, and I am not going to be working in an office. However, the most important thing that those women care about is shoes. I dream of getting to wear shoes. That would be my very most heart-felt wish ever! Someday..............
I have been inspired by all the interviews and talk shows and trailers I have seen about the women in Sex and the City. As I said yesterday, I am excited about designing a new chic and fabulous wardrobe for myself. In that picture from yesterday of Sarah Jessica Parker and me side-by-side, did you notice that we have the same taste in clothes? The flowers that make the top of her dress are bigger than mine, but proportionally, they may be equal. I am almost ready to go to the drawing board as I have been working out things in my head for several days now. Maybe I could become a famous fashion designer, don't you think?
I also like the clothes that the character, Charlotte, wears in the movie and in the old HBO show that the movie continues. Kristen Davis is her actual name. I see her as very elegant without going to extremes. She doesn't usually wear over-the-top fashions. I thought several of the things that the character, Samantha, wears appeared to be from the 80's. Am I the only one who feels that way? Since Miranda is an attorney, she wears beautiful things, but they are office-appropriate, and I am not going to be working in an office. However, the most important thing that those women care about is shoes. I dream of getting to wear shoes. That would be my very most heart-felt wish ever! Someday..............
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Can You Tell the Difference?
Good morning everyone,
I'm sorry I missed a few days; I didn't realize it had been so long. I have been all wrapped up in my designing mode. I am all about making myself a new image and a new wardrobe along with a whole new look. But then I saw this photo---Can you even tell which one is me? It's amazing, isn't it? I think that I do not have far to go to turn myself into the glamorous, sultry beauty that I want to be, do you? Just a hint---I'm on your right. As Cinderella once said, "One shoe can change your life." I think one dress or hairdo can change my life!
Remember the other day when I was telling you about what Missy Linda did to Puck and Button, her Shelties? Oh, my! Poor things! That Missy Linda gave them home haircuts! It is terrible! She keeps saying that she is going to the pet store to get some new clippers to even out the rough places, but she keeps forgetting. It's a good thing that the dogs don't ever go any place or they would be so humiliated!
I'm telling you, you wouldn't believe it! She cut their hair with scissors because she had let the fur get mats in it. That means that it is all choppy like a little kid who cuts his own hair. It is almost down to the skin already---I guess she is going to give them buzz cuts. Puck looks like one of those dogs that eats out at the landfill on television because he is slim. I hope she gets to the pet store today, and more importantly, I hope that she knows how to use the clippers she buys! I'll tell you one thing for sure---she had better not come close to my hair with a pair of scissors!
I'm sorry I missed a few days; I didn't realize it had been so long. I have been all wrapped up in my designing mode. I am all about making myself a new image and a new wardrobe along with a whole new look. But then I saw this photo---Can you even tell which one is me? It's amazing, isn't it? I think that I do not have far to go to turn myself into the glamorous, sultry beauty that I want to be, do you? Just a hint---I'm on your right. As Cinderella once said, "One shoe can change your life." I think one dress or hairdo can change my life!

Remember the other day when I was telling you about what Missy Linda did to Puck and Button, her Shelties? Oh, my! Poor things! That Missy Linda gave them home haircuts! It is terrible! She keeps saying that she is going to the pet store to get some new clippers to even out the rough places, but she keeps forgetting. It's a good thing that the dogs don't ever go any place or they would be so humiliated!
I'm telling you, you wouldn't believe it! She cut their hair with scissors because she had let the fur get mats in it. That means that it is all choppy like a little kid who cuts his own hair. It is almost down to the skin already---I guess she is going to give them buzz cuts. Puck looks like one of those dogs that eats out at the landfill on television because he is slim. I hope she gets to the pet store today, and more importantly, I hope that she knows how to use the clippers she buys! I'll tell you one thing for sure---she had better not come close to my hair with a pair of scissors!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
She Thinks She's Not Old
Last Saturday was Missy Linda's birthday, as you are all painfully aware. Tio Kane did something that seems really nice, but he has unleashed a demon unintentionally! He made up a huge list of Women Who are Younger, But Look (Arguably) Older. Actually, there was a list of men, too, but that's a horse of a different color. Now that seems very sweet and harmless, doesn't it? He was just trying to make Missy Linda feel like she is not an old hag. Well, unfortunately, she does not feel that way at all----she seems to have taken it all to heart. I think it gave her too big of a boost of confidence, even though she did not believe that she looks younger than a lot of the list. She is hard enough to deal with as it is! I'm just waiting for her to break out the mini skirts. Lord, help us all!
I am just worried that before long she will be taking dance class like Missy Barb does. That would not be good for her. She has not one iota of rhythm, and I think I may have mentioned what torture it is when she tries to sing with a CD, haven't I? A metronome is not Missy Linda's friend! It would be very embarrassing for her to be singled out (not in a good way) in a class like that. Poor Missy Linda; she does try! Maybe she is just attempting to be less obvious among her class mates at college. That is not a good idea! We don't want a broken hip, do we?
I'm beginning to worry about her brain function, too. If any of you know her, you are aware that one of her "hobbies" is studying all about the brain and how it works. I'll tell you right now, her judgment is impaired! You should see what she did to her dogs yesterday! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, ok? Someone had better warn my friend Andrew to go hide someplace before she gets hold of him!
Last Saturday was Missy Linda's birthday, as you are all painfully aware. Tio Kane did something that seems really nice, but he has unleashed a demon unintentionally! He made up a huge list of Women Who are Younger, But Look (Arguably) Older. Actually, there was a list of men, too, but that's a horse of a different color. Now that seems very sweet and harmless, doesn't it? He was just trying to make Missy Linda feel like she is not an old hag. Well, unfortunately, she does not feel that way at all----she seems to have taken it all to heart. I think it gave her too big of a boost of confidence, even though she did not believe that she looks younger than a lot of the list. She is hard enough to deal with as it is! I'm just waiting for her to break out the mini skirts. Lord, help us all!
I am just worried that before long she will be taking dance class like Missy Barb does. That would not be good for her. She has not one iota of rhythm, and I think I may have mentioned what torture it is when she tries to sing with a CD, haven't I? A metronome is not Missy Linda's friend! It would be very embarrassing for her to be singled out (not in a good way) in a class like that. Poor Missy Linda; she does try! Maybe she is just attempting to be less obvious among her class mates at college. That is not a good idea! We don't want a broken hip, do we?
I'm beginning to worry about her brain function, too. If any of you know her, you are aware that one of her "hobbies" is studying all about the brain and how it works. I'll tell you right now, her judgment is impaired! You should see what she did to her dogs yesterday! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, ok? Someone had better warn my friend Andrew to go hide someplace before she gets hold of him!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Obsessed With That Movie
Good morning all,
Missy Linda is all throwing a fit because she says I am driving her crazy about that movie, Sex and the City. Well, I want to see it! I think that those women live like I want to live, if I have to live like a human. I definitely need to see how they do it. I don't think it's asking too much for Missy Linda to buy me one ticket to a little movie, do you?
I think I have been inspired to design some clothes for myself just by the print ads and the talk show appearances about this movie. I think that as soon as I am finished here, I am going to start doing that. I hope Missy Linda will help me get them produced after I design them. We'll see if she is still as selfish as usual. I think that I ask very little of Missy Linda, and I don't see why she is so reluctant to help me do things all the time. You guys will be the first to see them when I get them done, ok?
Also, don't give up on my MySpace page------she just hasn't gotten around to helping get it done the way I want it. I'll keep you posted.
Missy Linda is all throwing a fit because she says I am driving her crazy about that movie, Sex and the City. Well, I want to see it! I think that those women live like I want to live, if I have to live like a human. I definitely need to see how they do it. I don't think it's asking too much for Missy Linda to buy me one ticket to a little movie, do you?

Also, don't give up on my MySpace page------she just hasn't gotten around to helping get it done the way I want it. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
What Are You Doing This Summer?
I understand that you humans use summer for your main vacation time. What do you guys do? I know that Missy Elise and Mr. Brett and their girls are going to Colorado next week. They do that every year. I know that in September, Missy Sharon and Missy Leslie and Mr. Kirk are going to Palau to visit Mr. Ron and Missy Danka. Missy Carol and Mr. Fred are in California right now. I don't know what Missy Linda or Missy Barb are going to do. I haven't heard them talking about any trips or anything. I know Missy Joanie, Mr. Brad, Missy Ashley and Missy Ally from Albuquerque are visiting Missy Barb next week, but that's not the same as going someplace.
All I've heard Missy Linda say anything about is working extra hard to earn money so she can take more hours in school this fall. She is always whining about how she wishes she could go to school full time. Poor Missy Linda, as usual. I think that she is in a snit or something because the former Mr. of the house, is giving money to his friends, but she doesn't get any. She is all whining because she was married to him so long, and now she is back to square one like a twenty year old. Of course, in other ways besides money, she is glad to be back there at the beginning, so to speak. But sometimes, she gets really down about not having any money when he seems to have more than plenty.
Sometimes you humans are not very nice, are you?
I understand that you humans use summer for your main vacation time. What do you guys do? I know that Missy Elise and Mr. Brett and their girls are going to Colorado next week. They do that every year. I know that in September, Missy Sharon and Missy Leslie and Mr. Kirk are going to Palau to visit Mr. Ron and Missy Danka. Missy Carol and Mr. Fred are in California right now. I don't know what Missy Linda or Missy Barb are going to do. I haven't heard them talking about any trips or anything. I know Missy Joanie, Mr. Brad, Missy Ashley and Missy Ally from Albuquerque are visiting Missy Barb next week, but that's not the same as going someplace.
All I've heard Missy Linda say anything about is working extra hard to earn money so she can take more hours in school this fall. She is always whining about how she wishes she could go to school full time. Poor Missy Linda, as usual. I think that she is in a snit or something because the former Mr. of the house, is giving money to his friends, but she doesn't get any. She is all whining because she was married to him so long, and now she is back to square one like a twenty year old. Of course, in other ways besides money, she is glad to be back there at the beginning, so to speak. But sometimes, she gets really down about not having any money when he seems to have more than plenty.
Sometimes you humans are not very nice, are you?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I Want to See the Movie!

As you can see, I have been dreaming of seeing the movie, Sex and the City, ever since I heard about it on television. I could not believe it when I discovered that Missy Barb and Missy Linda had gone to see it when they went to that fancy theater for Missy Linda's birthday! Can you believe that they did not even take me?
I understand that shoes and fashion are really important in the show. You know that those are the things that I live for every day-------well, I dream of wearing shoes. As Tio Kane always says, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." You don't suppose he is being facetious, do you? I always think of him as being nice.
Anyway, you can tell that I am always dressed up no matter what I am doing. I try to always look my best, and fashion is very important to me. I want to be sure that I always wear the correct fabulous color of eye shadow. I need to get out and see things like movies so I will know what to do about things, don't you think? By the way, is white eye shadow "in" this season?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Missy Linda Has A Life
Hi everyone,
Sorry that I haven't written for a few days. As Missy Linda told me, she could not help me with the computer because, "she has a life." Well, I've got news for her! I did have a life, and I don't intend to let it slip away just because she thinks that she is more important than I am. You know how selfish she is!
Her birthday was Saturday, and she and Missy Barb evidently think they really celebrated. Wow! They went to a movie where they got to eat a meal during the movie. Be still my beating heart! They did a little shopping, and they watched a movie at Missy Barb's house after cooking hamburgers. It's a good thing I didn't get to go. I don't think I could stand that much excitement. do you? I think I'll wait until the blush is off the rose to tell her what I think about her "life."
I am going to kick her butt into gear somehow and make sure that she keeps MY life on track. She's the one who wanted me to experience an exciting life. I guess I have my work cut out for me, huh?
Sorry that I haven't written for a few days. As Missy Linda told me, she could not help me with the computer because, "she has a life." Well, I've got news for her! I did have a life, and I don't intend to let it slip away just because she thinks that she is more important than I am. You know how selfish she is!
Her birthday was Saturday, and she and Missy Barb evidently think they really celebrated. Wow! They went to a movie where they got to eat a meal during the movie. Be still my beating heart! They did a little shopping, and they watched a movie at Missy Barb's house after cooking hamburgers. It's a good thing I didn't get to go. I don't think I could stand that much excitement. do you? I think I'll wait until the blush is off the rose to tell her what I think about her "life."
I am going to kick her butt into gear somehow and make sure that she keeps MY life on track. She's the one who wanted me to experience an exciting life. I guess I have my work cut out for me, huh?
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